Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big DifferencesCosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

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Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

Cosmetic dentistry involves large scale procedures such as braces for adults, but this field also offers simple procedures that can make a huge difference to your smile. Hi! My name is Corky, and I have been committed to having the best smile possible for years. However, like many people, I also have to live within a budget. Because of that, I have found the best ways to make my smile look amazing without spending a lot of time or money at the dentists. If you are looking for a place to learn about the procedures that give you the best value for your money, you have come to the right place. In this blog, I am going to discuss procedures ranging from teeth whitening to veneers, and I am going to tell you how to make your smile beautiful!

Stomach Sensitivity And Your Teeth: The Facts You Need To Know

Nobody likes to experience the dreaded feeling of nausea. Whether it is pregnancy related or the stomach flu, nausea leaves your whole body feeling unsettled. However, when nausea turns into a more long-term situation, then you need to consider the effect it has on your teeth. If you've been vomiting regularly for the past couple of weeks, you should be concerned with your dental health, and these are the reasons why.

Vomit Affects Teeth

When you vomit, you empty the contents of your stomach. The problem is that these contents pass through your mouth, and part of your stomach content is acid. The acid in your stomach helps to digest and dissolve the food as you eat it, and it has a pH level between 1 to 3. This means the acid is strong enough to cut through metal, so you can imagine what it can do to the enamel of your teeth.

Vomit Affects Overall Oral Health

Your teeth are not the only part of your mouth where stomach acid has an effect. When you vomit daily for a couple of weeks, you will also notice sore mouth tissue, an irritated tongue and inflamed gums. All of these are of concern because they affect the overall health of your teeth over time. Inflamed gums, for example, put pressure on the nerve endings around your teeth, and this pressure leads to dental pain.

How To Protect Your Teeth After Vomiting

There are two things you can do after each vomiting episode, and both will help negate the effects of the acid against the teeth.

  1. Rinse your mouth out with plain, cold water. The water helps to flush out any remaining acid in the mouth before it gets a chance to attack your teeth.
  2. Rinse your mouth out with a mouthwash which contains fluoride. Fluoride helps to keep the tooth enamel strong, and you need this strength during future vomiting attacks. If you do not have access to mouthwash, you can brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. But, it is important you brush gently as you do not want to damage your tooth enamel with toothbrush bristles.

If you have any concerns about your oral health because you have been vomiting, then pay a visit to your dentist to have a checkup. A dentist will give further advice about keeping your teeth healthy and strong during this period of your life.