Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big DifferencesCosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

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Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

Cosmetic dentistry involves large scale procedures such as braces for adults, but this field also offers simple procedures that can make a huge difference to your smile. Hi! My name is Corky, and I have been committed to having the best smile possible for years. However, like many people, I also have to live within a budget. Because of that, I have found the best ways to make my smile look amazing without spending a lot of time or money at the dentists. If you are looking for a place to learn about the procedures that give you the best value for your money, you have come to the right place. In this blog, I am going to discuss procedures ranging from teeth whitening to veneers, and I am going to tell you how to make your smile beautiful!

4 Important Things That Your Toothbrush Wants to Tell You

Ever feel like your toothbrush is trying to tell you something? There are actually plenty of signs that you can pick up on if you know what to look for, and knowing could help improve your oral health. Here are some of the top things that toothbrushes all over the world are just dying to tell their owners.

1. The Bristles Are All Bent (You Need to Replace Me!)

If the bristles on your toothbrush have become splayed out in all directions, it's time to buy a new toothbrush. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you should ideally be doing this every three to four months anyway, but your bristles are still a good indicator.

If you continue to brush using a worn out toothbrush, you're not going to be getting into all the nooks and crannies that need to be cleaned. Furthermore, toothbrushes do tend to go bad overtime as they accumulate food debris, no matter how well you clean them, so changing things up is always for the best.

2. Bristles Get Bent Quickly (You're Brushing Too Hard)

Some people will find that the bristles of their toothbrushes routinely become bent and worn after only a week or two. If this is happening, the fault lies not with the toothbrush but with you. It probably means that you're brushing your tooth far too hard. This might shock some people. After all, isn't the whole point to give your teeth a good clean?

It is, but the plaque that you're supposed to be removing is actually quite easy to scrub away. Even light brushing will get rid of it, while hard brushing can actually damage your enamel and aggravate your gums.

3. Unpleasant Smells Develop (You're Storing Me Improperly)

Smells are a real warning sign when it comes to your oral health – they are not something to take lightly. If your toothbrush smells, it probably means that it has become infested with bacteria, so it will clearly no longer be effective at cleaning your teeth. Of course, buying a new one will only make a difference if you store it properly.

Make sure to:

  • Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each wash
  • Store your toothbrush in an upright position without the bristles touching anything
  • Buy a toothbrush cover than can snap over the head

4. Pink Coloration (Your Gums Are Bleeding)

There is really no sign more clear-cut than this one: if your toothbrush is pink after brushing, it means that your gums are bleeding. Of all the warning signs your toothbrush can provide you with, this is the most important one, and you should book an appointment with your dentist if you notice it occurring.

Bleeding gums can actually be caused by a number of factors, but are primarily known as one of the first signs of gum disease. You need to arrest the development of gum disease as soon as possible. If you see pink, see a dentist. 

Paying attention to your toothbrush can keep your pearly whites as clean as possible, so make sure you remember the items on this list.