Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big DifferencesCosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

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Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

Cosmetic dentistry involves large scale procedures such as braces for adults, but this field also offers simple procedures that can make a huge difference to your smile. Hi! My name is Corky, and I have been committed to having the best smile possible for years. However, like many people, I also have to live within a budget. Because of that, I have found the best ways to make my smile look amazing without spending a lot of time or money at the dentists. If you are looking for a place to learn about the procedures that give you the best value for your money, you have come to the right place. In this blog, I am going to discuss procedures ranging from teeth whitening to veneers, and I am going to tell you how to make your smile beautiful!

Dental Practice | 3 Tactics To Ensure Long-Term Root Canal Success

While a root canal procedure at the dental practice is made as painless as possible, there's always a chance that you will feel some pain during the recovery process. You will also need to take care of your teeth to ensure that the root canal has its desired effect. This guide is designed to equip you with smart tactics to ensure long-term root canal success.

Take Your Prescribed Pain Relief And Antibiotic Medication

After your root canal, it's normal to feel some pain and discomfort. The experts at your dental practice will probably prescribe some antibiotics and painkillers to help alleviate your pain as much as possible. The trauma of the stretched periodontal fibres fastening the bone and tooth can be painful and will need some time to heal once you've had your root canal procedure undertaken at the dental practice. Anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics will help to provide some pain relief as the root canal area heals.

Avoid Crunchy Or Hard Foods For Several Days

Once the root canal procedure is over at the dental practice, you should stay away from hard and tough-to-chew foods like apples, red meat, nuts, corn, carrots and bagels. Make sure you eat softer foods like bananas, soups, mashed avocado, sweet potatoes, leafy vegetables, fish and baked beans. These foods are easier on your teeth. You'll also want to chew on the opposite side of your mouth to reduce pain once you've had the root canal. If the tooth doesn't feel better after a few days, you may need to visit the dentist to check whether the root canal is healing properly.

Get A Crown Fitted To Protect The Treated Tooth From Further Damage

Root canal treatment is only the first step in restoring your tooth to its full functionality. The last step of the root canal procedure is typically fitting the crown to protect the treated tooth from any further damage. The crown restores the full function of the tooth, while reducing complications like fracturing and decay. Your dental practice will naturally want to wait for a while to establish that the root canal procedure has been successful before fitting the crown and will recommend a specific interval between the root canal treatment and the crown fitting based on your personal situation. The final dental crown tooth restoration is vital to the long-term health of your teeth, so don't take it for granted.

Make sure you follow these smart tactics to ensure that your root canal at the dental practice is successful in the long term.