Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big DifferencesCosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

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Cosmetic Dentistry: Subtle Changes for Big Differences

Cosmetic dentistry involves large scale procedures such as braces for adults, but this field also offers simple procedures that can make a huge difference to your smile. Hi! My name is Corky, and I have been committed to having the best smile possible for years. However, like many people, I also have to live within a budget. Because of that, I have found the best ways to make my smile look amazing without spending a lot of time or money at the dentists. If you are looking for a place to learn about the procedures that give you the best value for your money, you have come to the right place. In this blog, I am going to discuss procedures ranging from teeth whitening to veneers, and I am going to tell you how to make your smile beautiful!

Composite Bonding and Everything You Need to Know About It

Cosmetic dentistry goes a long way into improving the overall appearance of your teeth as well as your smile. However, that's not all it does. Some of the cosmetic dentistry procedures actually correct a range of dental defects such as crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, overbites and underbites that can make it hard for you to clean your teeth properly. By correcting such issues, these procedures help improve your dental health too. However, it's imperative to know a thing or two about the various cosmetic dentistry procedures before you go to the dentist. That way, you can know what will and won't work for you or what to expect in a certain treatment. Composite bonding is one of the cosmetic dentistry procedures available and here's all you need to know about it.

How It Works 

Composite bonding, otherwise known as dental bonding or simply bonding, involves the fusion of a tooth-coloured composite resin onto your damaged tooth. This is often done using a bonding agent or under a special high-intensity curing light. There are two major methods used in composite bonding: direct composite bonding and adhesive bonding. As the name implies, direct composite bonding involves the direct application or sculpturing of the composite materials to the surfaces of your damaged teeth. With adhesive bonding, on the other hand, a restoration is instead attached to the damaged tooth.

Whether it's direct or adhesive, composite bonding seeks to correct a range of dental issues including gaps in your teeth, decayed teeth, stained teeth and chipped, broken or cracked teeth. The procedure doesn't usually take long, and in most cases, a single visit to the dentist should be enough.

The Advantages

Cost-effectiveness is one of the top benefits of composite bonding. Compared to other cosmetic dentistry procedures, composite bonding is usually among the least expensive. Also, unlike other procedures such as veneers and crowns, bonding often takes less time to prepare and fit. Bonding is also less invasive on your tooth enamel. Only a small part of your enamel will be removed, which reduces the degree of tooth sensitivity you may have to deal with after the procedure.

The Concerns

Note that composite bonding may not be for anyone. For instance, if an overbite or underbite is the cause of your crooked smile, bonding won't be a solution. You need to consider a procedure that will correct the over- or underbite instead. Also, the resin used in bonding may not be as strong as your enamel. Therefore, avoid biting down or eating extremely hard foods to prevent chipping or breaking of the bond. Composite bonds are also not as stain-resistant as crowns or veneers. Therefore, avoid or reduce your intake of deep-coloured foods such as coffee and red wine.